Saturday, October 18, 2014

Pond Concert Review - Rock n' Roll Hotel - 10/17/14

Nicholas Allbrook, Lead Singer and Guitarist

Shiny Joe Ryan, Guitarist and Backup Vocals










Review By Russ Israel

            One by one, afros and flannels began to appear on stage.  With a mob of people screaming behind me and trippy images projected in front of me, the scene of the Pond concert last night was truly unique.  I have been a fan of Tame Impala and Pond for a a few years, so I was very excited to see the latter play at the Rock n’ Roll Hotel in Washington DC.  I had seen some YouTube videos of the band’s live shows, so I thought I had a firm grasp on what the performance would be like.  However, once they started playing, I realized there was no way I could have anticipated Pond’s cosmic destruction of that venue.  It was an epic night…
            Walking into the concert hall, (although it was more like a room) I had no idea what the crowd would be like at this concert.  I had a feeling there would be some classic hipsters there, you know, denim, glasses, beards, more denim and the occasional nose ring.  But it ended up being much more diverse than that.  Audience member ranged from preppy GW students to seriously tattooed biker guys with spikes on their shoulders, hence the eventual mosh pit.  Nonetheless, everyone in the crowd reacted very similarly to the music.  “Let’s get rowdy,” said guitarist Shiny Joe Ryan at the beginning of the show, which sums up Pond the experience pretty perfectly.  I didn’t see one person throughout the entire concert who wasn’t bobbing their head or moving their body in some fluid manner. 
            As for the music itself, I was blown away.  The band played songs from Beard, Wives, Denim, Hobo Rocket, and Frond.  They even played one of my favorite B-sides, “Pond in a Park.”  Every song was a jam, and each was heavier than the one before it.  The music was constantly stimulating; the halftime breakdowns, the psychedelic synths, the echoed vocals and the overwhelming guitar effects made for a collection of sounds that only these five Western Aussies could have conjured up.  Front man Nick Allbrook’s wacky attire and stage presence added to the overall “not giving a damn” image of the band.  Watching them play, I just could not shake the feeling that these guys care about nothing but music.  They truly went all out – strumming their guitars as hard as they could, drum filling as fast as they could, and screaming as loud as they could.  These guys clearly put their passion and their hearts into their performances, which is refreshing nowadays when all most people care about is their profile pictures and how they look in their Instagrams (myself included…).   
            Pond ended their set with the mesmerizing “Midnight Mass,” the last track off their most recent LP, Hobo Rocket.  It provided the sentimental, yet epic ending that perfected the evening.  To me, Pond’s performance was inspiring because they showed that you can make music that makes you happy, and others can enjoy it as well.  These are just a bunch of guys who like to drink beer and use fuzz pedals, but people love them and their music!  That is the real magic of Pond. Good thing I convinced my friend to drive me to this concert…
Hands down one of the best shows I’ve seen. 

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